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18 October 2019

Podcast: The Ghost of Tom Joad

“Well the highway is alive tonight
But nobody’s kidding nobody about where it goes
I’m sitting down here in the campfire light
Searching for the ghost of Tom Joad”

“It’s hard, it’s expensive and it takes a lot of time”

Rob’s story of constant business evolution is reminiscent of the struggles of the Joad family, the collective protagonist of the great Steinbeck novel, The Grapes of Wrath.

In a reversal of the Okie migration after the Dust Bowl depression, Rob describes his journey from California to Oklahoma to build a business and transform it from successful IBM reseller to independent service provider.

Where once migrants left for the golden fruits of California, Oklahoma is a place where Oil derricks can spring up on small land holdings and the population is growing again. Rob’s team at Pinnacle Business Systems is helping enterprises exploit the new oil; data.

Having started on a three-year MSP evolution programme he is staying the course, because just like the book’s hero Tom Joad said, there can be no turning back.

With a strong background in accounting, Rob gives a different perspective on the changing landscape of the IT channel and what he feels is needed to be successful.

Capturing the spirit of the Oklahoma pioneers, the early farmers of the “Sooner State”, Rob understands the maxim “you reap what you sow”. Listen to the podcast to hear Rob tell a story of managing risk and taking tough decisions. Despite the toughness, Rob actively manages and nurtures the business culture. He realises a business is like a family working together to ride out the times of drought and celebrate the bountiful harvests.

Patience is a virtue in the Sooner State.

To follow The Predatar Podcast find it with Spotify  or Apple

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Predatar recovery assurance

04 October 2019

New Predatar appointment is logical AND exciting

Following the recent release of Predatar 11, the platform for cloud data protection service providers, the team wanted someone to lead the next chapter of our story.

We are delighted to welcome Rick Norgate who joins Predatar as Managing Director. Rick brings superb team building and people management skills, which combined with his background in strategic product management and implementation, made him the natural choice.

Doug Sawers, Non-Executive Director Predatar, on hearing the appointment of Rick, commented “Predatar already has world-class technology which it is using to disrupt the traditional data protection industry. Rick Norgate will ensure the technology continues to disrupt, whilst shepherding the next phase of the company’s growth.”

Rick joins Predatar from SD Worx, a global leader in payroll and HR SaaS software and Managed Services. Rick was instrumental in their transition to a SaaS business model. Outside of work, Rick is a bit of a fitness nut, spending most of his spare time cycling and running.

Rick’s first task will be to get to know the Predatar partner community and to find out how the company can help accelerate their transition to profitable, SaaS enabled businesses.

Commenting on the appointment, CEO Alistair Mackenzie had this to say, “I’m delighted to welcome Rick to the team. Rick’s thinking is always so precise, and he will add a big dose of professionalism to everything we do.”

The appointment of Rick Norgate comes at a time when the data protection business is going through a period of rapid investment and disruption. Predatar’s patented technology for more “intelligent recovery” is at the forefront of this disruption.

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Predatar recovery assurance