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20 July 2021

Are IBM Gearing Up for a Cyber Revolution?


Well, do you?

The song written and performed by the Beatles back in 1968, still carries true today.  Revolutions, both large and small are ongoing – and much needed – part of society. In a modern, IT-driven world of interconnected devices and internet access from virtually anywhere, cyber-security is on the cusp of a digital revolution. And IBM is gearing up.

IBM recognises that cyber-security is a major risk for organisations. Just as cyber threats evolve over time, so must the tactics and strategies to defend against attacks. Few organisations are better equipped than IBM to offer comprehensive, end-to-end cyber-security solutions for customers.

Protect, Detect, Respond!

At the forefront of this strategy is IBM artificial intelligence, powered by IBM Watson. It’s an essential ingredient to providing the fundamentals elements of cyber-security;  Protect, Detect and Respond.

Each stage is key in a complete cyber resiliency strategy which places IT and security administrators under constant pressure. All too often, they’re not provided sufficient resources to defend against external threats, especially at scale.

Protecting on-premise and cloud environments against cyber-attacks involves a wide range of considerations. From user authentication and identity management, security of network core and edge access points, collaboration tools, centralised storage systems, virtual and physical servers. And, of course, the data protection solutions that are responsible to protect and recover the application ecosystem that drives the business.

Each area has a role and unique security requirements in order to protect against cyber-attacks, but as we have seen within the industry, attacks still occur. So, when they do occur, you need to ensure your detection capabilities are up to the task of accurately analysing and identifying threats that require immediate action. Once the threat has been accurately identified, the response plan must be initiated to repel the attack. Or, recovery plans should be initiated to eliminate the intrusion from the environment before it has been activated.  All of these elements are complex stages and absolutely require proper planning and the power of AI and automation to scale and respond.

What is IBM up to?

IBM is leveraging AI to provide organisations the ability to respond, at scale from cyber incidents. They’re also applying the same principles to modern and secure application development. You can view the video from IBM Cloud detailing IBM’s use of AI for Cybersecurity, narrated by Sridhar Muppidi, CTO of IBM Security.


Artificial Intelligence for Smarter Cybersecurity


This video outlines IBM’s future vision for AI and Cybersecurity. But, we know that revolutions don’t occur overnight. For many organisations, there’s a clear and present threat to their data today. That poses the question, what you can institute today to protect, defend and respond?  It’s a big question and it deserves a big answer, but as with any strategy each organisation will need to assess their strengths and weakness to determine where to focus their time, effort and investment.

Naturally, IBM has this covered too. Their CRAT (Cyber Resiliency Assessment Tool) is available today for no financial cost.  It will provide you a comprehensive analysis and provide a recommendation to an effective cyber resiliency plan. Visit the link below to review IBM’s CRAT (Cyber Resiliency Assessment Tool) and get started today.


CRAT (Cyber Resiliency Assessment Tool)


While there are tactical changes you can make today, part of your strategy for the future should be to align with the upcoming IT Revolution of hybrid cloud and containerisations, which brings inherent qualities that provide protection and isolation against today’s cyber attacks.

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Predatar recovery assurance