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23 March 2020

Keeping the lights on

Cost cutting measures proposed by Finance Directors are being assessed by Chief Executives, eager not to cut the marrow out of their businesses. The trick is not to leave organisations permanently vulnerable.

Protecting data is a task which cannot be jettisoned but it can be made more efficient. Here’s how you can preserve cash immediately by making changes to your data protection platform:

Identify waste

With the necessary tools, quickly identify duplicate, and rogue, data retention policies across your backup infrastructure. In our experience, many companies lack discipline when it comes to setting tight rules around what data to keep, and for how long. Software and hardware vendors love your inefficiency.

Switch Licence Model

Few companies have the time right now for skunkworks, or any project with an elongated pay back. Many are switching to a subscription pay-as-you-use licence model. This is a simple paper exercise and can free up cash immediately, especially if you can negotiate monthly billing terms.

Consolidate Products

Large companies are plagued with managing three or more different backup software products. When cash is king, this is a luxury few can afford. What better time to consolidate backup across Unix, Windows, Virtual, Cloud and Container platforms while taking advantage of modernising features?

Go “On-Demand” for Disaster Recovery

Recovery orchestration technology makes cloud a more flexible alternative to syndicated disaster recovery. Fast server provisioning and automated recovery from backup, make owning a second datacentre obsolete.

These recommendations are common regardless of the data protection products in use. However, if you are an IBM Storage Protect (formerly TSM) user, we can help you realise cost savings immediately.

On March 26th Predatar 11.3 will be released. Here are some of the highlights…

Self Service Registration

The team has been working on a common registration wizard for Storage Protect and Storage Protect Plus. Its never been more important to get quick insights into your entire backup environment, wherever it may be located and regardless of Storage Protect version.

A Bird’s Eye View

Talking of money saving. The new release features a new storage utilisation report, bringing together all Storage Protect and Protect Plus storage types. A consolidated report to identify and eliminate resource waste, for the following storage classes:

  • Vsnap storage
  • Disk Pools
  • Storage Pools
  • Container Pools
  • Sequential Disk

Licence Modeller

Predatar partners can access the comprehensive Licence Snapshot tool to help them advise clients on the most suitable software licence model for them.

If you use IBM Storage Protect or Protect Plus and would like more information on how to save money immediately, do get in touch at or visit


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Predatar recovery assurance