Channel Forces
The established relationships IT channel organisations hold with vendors and customers are being disrupted. For their survival VARs have had to evolve their businesses. A common reaction has been to increase the portfolio of technology and vendor offerings to try to capture every possible customer opportunity. Sounds like a reasonable strategy but it hasn’t solved the systemic problems of weak new business development and falling margins.
There has never been so much vendor choice for on-premise IT infrastructure. This at a time when established suppliers are scrambling to maintain their relevance as more workload migrates to public cloud.
What is Predatar?
Our proposition to the channel is not about selling more technology. It is a business model transformation to help it stay relevant, regardless of the adoption mix of hosted datacentre, private or public cloud.
We don’t expect that every channel organisation will embrace this evolution but we want to work with those that do. The Predatar team engages with channel executives who are excited, if slightly daunted by the opportunities and challenges the new channel ecosystem will present. We know from much experience the evolution is not easy but that’s the point, good margins don’t come easy.
The Predatar proposition helps make the transition as quick and painless as possible. This graphic I hope explains our position in the market.
If you are heading to Las Vegas for IBM Think 2018 and you would like to meet with one of our representatives, please book early to reserve a time.